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Don Gordon

Mental Wellness and Metabolic Health

Supporting Metabolic Health & Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness is a resource that helps us think, feel, connect and function

Opening ourselves up to awareness allows us to create change and acquiring the resources to help manage our mental wellbeing and metabolic health has become more up front and personal given the backdrop of events over the past two years.

Differently from animals, the complex and fascinating mechanism of our human mind enables us to act according to reason and balance rational thinking with primordial instinct. Thanks to this innate balance we can face challenging situations and manage different responses in a more informed and balanced way. Most of the time we are conscious of what we do in a specific moment, we know the consequences of our behaviour and what it leads to and can even think about alternatives and potential solutions to treat the same problem from a different perspective. This often brings about new learning and better outcomes.

Metabolic health and mental wellness?

Research has already demonstrated that diet can have both a positive or negative impact on our metabolic, and mental health and wellbeing. Knowing what to avoid as much as what to embrace is key to optimal health. Our metabolic health may be seen as just an inevitable outcome of ageing. But it isn’t. You have the power to take control and put yourself in the drivers seat not the healthcare system, not your co-workers, peer group, or your partners, YOU. The key takeaway here is that while aging is a natural process, how we age—specifically, how our metabolism and cognitive performance ages—is something we can influence.

The functional medicine exponent Dr Mark Hyman reminds us in his longevity podcast that, your body's metabolic clock doesn't necessarily have to keep time with your chronological age. By understanding the factors that accelerate metabolic aging and their impact on our health, we've taken the first steps towards taking control of our metabolic health. And by implementing personalised strategies, we can actively slow down our metabolic clock, improve our vitality, and reduce the risk of age-related health conditions. ProLon and the FMD food technologies and the work of Professor Valter Longo is also at the leading edge of this new understanding.

Our mind allows us to behave in everyday circumstances and to reflect on what we have done to improve our way of acting and relating with the world in the future. We have an intrinsic feedback loop that is hardwired into our neurology, as much as our physiology and whole being.

Mental wellness or being fully aware or conscious is fundamental to be present and the active protagonist of your life. If people feel mentally active, good and relaxed, they have control of their functions, you have control of yourself…if not you …then who might be more a reflective thought?

The worst enemy of mental wellness is stress. If you let stress and related bad or negative thoughts condition you, you won’t have the chance to be present and live your life experiences fully. Studies have shown that chronic stress, anxiety, and depression weaken the immune system and increase the risk of chronic conditions and cognitive function. Stressing periods are always around the corner, the important thing is to find some simple solutions to detach from them in a constant and routine way. Focussing our attention and awareness on some of these solutions in a mindful way, just for a few moments can help us manage our own mental wellness for the better.

Lifestyle and Nutritional Strategies - Supporting Mental wellness

Here 7 simple tips you can practice in your everyday life for your mental wellness:

1. Take breaks or pauses during the day, balance rushing times with a few resting ones- take a moment…or two just to sit quietly, close your eyes and BREATHE use mindful practices like tai chi Qigong, or yoga or other relaxation techniques for stress management. Managing these aspects can help regulate metabolic hormones contributing to a healthier metabolic age.

2. Prioritise sleep – Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep Drop into a magnesium salts bath for 20 minutes to aid relaxation then switch off all your electronic communication devices before you hit the pillow for a fully restful sleep.

3. Follow a healthy dietary regime. A balanced intake of whole foods can assist with focus, energy and mental wellness. Nutrients in squashes legumes, nuts and seeds are, rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids, can improve your memory general concentration and digestion. Opt for a diet rich in whole unprocessed foods promoting better metabolic mindfulness.

4. Limit exposure to environmental toxins. Not always easy if you live in a densely populated urban city centre. While it's impossible to completely avoid all pollutants and toxins in our environment, we can take measures to limit our exposure. This might include using air purifiers at home, choosing organic produce when possible, or using natural cleaning and personal care products.

Remember, it's never too late to start making small changes that may make to a big difference in your mental and metabolic health.

5. Regular health check-ups can provide crucial insights into your metabolic and mental wellbeing. Monitoring parameters like blood glucose levels, cholesterol, and blood pressure can help detect early signs of metabolic imbalance, enabling timely intervention. The better you know yourself, the more proactive you can be.

6. Get Moving – physical activity is crucial for mental wellbeing and metabolic health. Stimulating endorphins and promoting cardiovascular respiratory and cognitive function. Preferably outdoors where you are exposed to the sunlight vitamin D. Even playing ball or frisbee with the kids counts getting outdoors around green open spaces and interacting with nature is a natural endorphin that’s also FREE. Supplement with Vitamin D if you don’t get out much, have dark skin or suffer with type 2 diabetes or depression. Liposomal delivery has shown to be the most effective form you can take.

7. Avoid artificial sweeteners - Sugar substitutes may offer up low- and no-calorie alternatives, but they’re often accompanied by their own health-damaging baggage. For example, a 2018 study noted that aspartame (found in brands like NutraSweet and Equal) has been associated with depression, anxiety, irritable moods, insomnia, and a range of other neurophysiological issues. Literally a metabolic nightmare. Furthermore, aspartame, as well as saccharine (found in Sweet’N Low) and sucralose (sold as Splenda), can help create high insulin levels, which are associated with a higher risk for depression.

Mental wellness and the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet - FMD

Thanks to the scientifically studied and careful calibration of the macro and micronutrients in all the products they are rich in fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Five days of the plant based, gluten free ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet gives you a break from metabolic and mental heaviness due to resting digestive stress. This allows you to divert more metabolic and neurological energy toward cognitive focus on your daily activities and to fully support your mental wellness and clarity. The ProLon regimen of balanced healthy foods may support mental wellness and health and can help you feel lighter, more energic and more focussed. Discover more about the benefits of the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet and how it can improve your mental wellness with healthy food and prolonged Intermittent fasting diet! Click here To purchase your 5 Day ProLon Fasting mimicking Diet product

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